What We Treat


Acne scarring is our mortal enemy so we take acne very seriously. Scarring is permanent so let’s treat early!

Age Spots

Sometimes these can look like melanoma to patients so it’s a good idea to see a dermatologist to make sure your spots are not cancerous.

Cyst Removal

Cysts are plugged-up pores that start to collect skin contents inside a cyst wall. We remove the whole cyst wall so it won’t grow back.

Eczema and Contact Dermatitis

Eczema can occur at any age and be a huge drain on quality of life. Nobody likes to be itchy!

Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)

Hyperhidrosis can occur anywhere but is most common in the underarms and palms/soles. This is a treatable condition! Come see us for a customized treatment plan.

Hair Loss (Alopecia)

Hair loss has several causes, each with its own treatment algorithm. You definitely want to see someone with experience in hair disorders. That’s us!


Hidradenitis is a very bothersome problem and, for some, a debilitating one. There are several effective treatment options so don’t suffer needlessly. We can help!

Hives (Urticaria)

Hives is a very obnoxious (and itchy!) problem. We work hand-in-hand with our great team of allergists to help fix your problem.

Keloids and Hypertrophic Scars

The main treatments for these are removal, steroid injections, and radiation therapy. Come see us and we’ll talk you through your options.

Lipoma removal

Lipomas are benign fatty tumors (we’re sure you know this from watching Dr. Pimple Popper). It’s important to remove the entire lipoma so it doesn’t grow back. Dr. Innes is a skilled surgical dermatologist and has removed hundreds of lipomas.


Melasma causes hyperpigmentation – usually on the face – and is aggravated by sun and hormonal factors. We prescribe compounded creams that work miracles for this condition. And don’t forget your sunscreen!

Moles (Nevi) and Atypical Moles (Dysplastic Nevi)

Dr. Innes is trained in dermoscopy, which allows him to take a magnified look at moles to make sure they don’t have any features of melanoma.

Nail Fungus (Onychomycosis)

Noone wants yellow toenails…Come on in and we’ll help you clear them up.

Patch Testing for Skin Allergies (Allergic Contact Dermatitis)

One of Dr. Innes’ specialties is patch testing for allergic eczema. This allows us to pinpoint what’s causing your rash and, with allergen avoidance, we can often cure this problem!

Perioral Dermatitis

Perioral dermatitis looks like a mix between acne/eczema/rosacea and occurs around the mouth, nose, and eyes. It’s very common here in Utah. Fortunately it is relatively easy to treat!

Pre-cancers (Actinic Keratoses)

These usually look like pink scaly spots on the areas that have gotten a lot of sun over the years. We treat them early so they don’t have a chance to turn into skin cancer.


In the past decade we’ve had an explosion of new medications that are much more targeted, effective, and safe for psoriasis. Come on in and we’ll make a personalized treatment plan for you.


There are so many different rashes and Dr. Innes loves the challenge. Rashes are tough and it is best to see someone who sees rashes every day. We’re here to help clear up your skin!


Rosacea can cause redness and sometimes bumps on the face. We’d love to help you love your skin!

Seborrheic Dermatitis (Inflammatory Dandruff)

Flakes on your shoulders? Come see us!

Skin Cancer

The most common are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. melanoma tends to be a bit more aggressive, but it’s important to catch and treat these all as early as possible. To that end, we offer full-body skin checks.

Surgical Procedures

Dr. Innes has extensive training in dermatologic surgery for removal of skin cancers, cysts, lipomas, moles, keloids, and split ear lobe repair.


Vitiligo is an autoimmune condition where the immune system attacks the pigment cells in the skin and causes white patches.


We treat warts all day every day and boy are they stubborn. Dr. Innes uses several different methods. We’d love to find the best one for you!